Lord and Taylor - New York City, New York, 1970s

Here's a Lord and Taylor box with the company's signature rose on it. When I was growing up, I thought that it was "Lord and Tailor," meaning the clothes the store carried were so incredible, that the guy upstairs was involved in their design. (OK, so I didn't know how to spell Taylor--so shoot me.)

It's a little known fact that the Pledge of Allegiance is still said every morning by L & T employees as well as any customers who happen to show up early so if you're an early bird, you might want to check out that phenomenon.

1 comment:

  1. I think they play the National Anthem first. The first time I saw it, I thought I was being PUNKED. Their current bag is an expensive, thick white bag lined with yellow the color of egg yolk. It is outstanding, but
    looks weird at Christmas time.
